Sunday, September 25, 2011

And so it begins...

 The story begins. 

The beginning of this adventure started yesterday. With tickets to far away lands, that hold the promise of open air markets, stuffed with silk wrapped heads, heaps of fresh spices, and hand woven rugs piled high on rickety wooden carts. Lands that will give me culture, Chocolate, Atlas mountains, trains, planes, automobiles, and best of all- plenty of photographs. 

Yesterday tickets were purchased that will take me first, to the clean and familiar (to me) land of the Swiss, Zurich, Switzerland- here I come. Then to the new (to me), bright, and bustling town of Madrid, Spain. From the land of the Matador, I will venture to the land of deserts, camels, Berbers, and mint tea. Marrakesh, Morocco. And this is where- in true Claus fashion- the planing gets a little hazy. I can tell you which countries I will visit, but not in which order. Israel, Kenya, and back to Spain, and Switzerland. 

So this blog was created to share my pictures, stories, and amazement of my new adventures. That are soon to be had. 

The first of my blogged adventure stories is my trip back out to the Thule Lodge. Had to wake up at 5 am to start driving. Amazing sunrise. Eerie fog. It was really beautiful. Here are some pictures-