Saturday, November 5, 2011

Introducing... Morocco!

Madrid to Marrakech. It has been an eventful couple of days. Two days ago I was in a lovely little swiss home. Full of love, pictures, and yummy food. Then I got all packed up (Which by the way is only one little black backpack. I am really proud of that because I will be living off that backpack for the next 2 months.) So these first few pictures are of Madrid and the rest are Morocco.
Dinner in Madrid. 

This guy serenaded me... Yeah. 

Group of singers in a Madrid restaurant. 

The jet that brought me to Morocco! 

Marrakech. :)

This is our hotel in Marrakech. But we are leaving it tomorrow. To go to the Atlas Mountains. 

Getting psyched up for a swim. Sexy face, right?

Moroccan flag. 

Hahaha! Sniped this picture. They had no idea I was creepin'. 

Very old hotel in Marrakech.

She is my Seeeeeester. And the fountain was warmer than the pool. Go figure.

This city is literally over run with roses! They are everywhere. It's so beautiful. 

This is where we ate lunch today. 

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Night view of the hotel. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Your adventure is exquisite...and your photography is getting even better! i love the reflection pictures, very beautiful. Madrid looks like a definite must-see, especially if you get serenaded by Spanish men with mandolins?! Uhh...yes. I want to hear all about looks fascinating. You are beautiful and I miss you! Love that your doing this blog so I can creep on you whenever I please :)
