Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hey Switzerland, I'm back!

Just got back to the the land of cheese and chocolate. Not much to tell of the adventure yet. I have mostly been doing school, and just walking around the charming little town of Arosa. Here are a few pictures

 A sleeping snow monster. 
 The streets of Arosa. 
 I made some duck friends. 

 And some more duck friends. 

I think they only like me for my bread.  

Sofia's sister, in Arosa.

Right before I took a digger and bloodied my shin. Yep. I'm still just as graceful as ever.
Church tower in Arosa. 


  1. Is this Too Tall? Because "fold" is not very descriptive... But I am glad you like my blog! Especially if you ARE my cousin. And not a creeper... I guess you could be both. ;) Give a smooch to the Cheeks for me. :)

  2. Hi logie logie nice pics,say hi to rudy,
    miss you
    Unki Unki

  3. Yes, it's Too Tall. Good blog by the way.

  4. hahah my dad...logie sister! looks like the adventure is off to a lovely start. Arosa looks absolutely stunning. Take me there one day?!

  5. Thanks Toots. I am having a fun time with it.

    Shmara! Of course! You name the day and I will take you to see the Alps. Oh Shmar, I have soooo much to tell you! Skype some time?
