Sunday, October 30, 2011

A hike in the Alps.

Yesterday Nina and I went for a very nice hike above Arosa. Up to this beautiful lake. That was frozen over pretty well. Had some cliff bars for lunch, and then we slid our way back down. Haha! I would love to have a video of us trying to get down these icy/snowy hillsides. It was really steep! And difficult! Now, Arosa is already way up in the mountains. We walked up even higher, you'll see in the pictures below. Nina took the prettier ones. :) She is an AMAZING Photographer. It runs in her blood.

Dad took this, of me hard at work not doing school. Notice the AP History book in the background. 
 The day before the hike. I got to help them in their Photo Shop. By help I mean be an utter nuisance and mess up just about every job they give me! But I had a grand time! And I learned so much. I love my Swiss family!

This Museum was built in 1590 something. Same door handle? Possibly. 

Swiss hut. 

My hiking Buddy. She carries my coat. ;)

Master Photographer hard at work.

Ah, The Alps. 

This is the frozen lake we hiked to. Such a beautiful day. 

Haha, Dachsound.

Oh little town in Switzerland! This is where I am staying, Arosa. The Homberger's house (where we started the hike.) is further down the valley. Out of site. Just a little ways below the big Hotel that you can see in right/middle of the picture. 

Nina Photo. 

Nina Photo.

Nina Photo.

Nina Photo.

Nina Photo.

Nina Photo.

Nina Photo.

Nina Photo. This one is my Favorite! 

Nina Photo.


  1. woah that's a whole lotta beautiful!! nina is incredible, stalk her every move!! you are too though...artists, the both of you. And you're just so darn cute!! This makes me miss snow, and ice, and YOU! love love love from Hawaii. p.s. my blog sucks, can you tell me how to make it cute?

  2. Sure I can help you! I think the main thing that your blog needs are some posts! I am always looking and you never have any. :) Miss you too pretty lady.

  3. love you logie! and your hair, it's so long!!! turn north for a second and wave...ready GO!! haha miss you.
