Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh Oh! And off we go!

Daddy (Paul Claus, Google him. It's neat.) and I are sitting in the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport. I have tickets in my hand, tickets to Seattle- Where we will meet up with Mommy (Donna) and my sister Ellie (Google them too, it's fun to be a stalker.), from Seattle we fly to Zurich. Watch out Switzerland, you are about to be invaded! By the most unapologetically geeky, homeschool blogger girl in all the world. Yeah... I know, that's preeeetty geeky. But it works for me. ;)

So here we are at the preverbal doorway to ADVENTURE! Off we go!


  1. We'll be following you Logie Logie. We already miss you! Have a wonderful adventure, we know you will!Say hi to the rest of the fam.
    Love auntie Pam and Mrs. Byuce!

  2. Aww! Thanks guys! Miss you too! Love you guys.
