Sunday, December 18, 2011

End of my Israeli Adventure.

I know I am always super late in putting up each blog. My bad. So this blog is brought to you from Spain. But it's about my last days in Israel. That's Logan Logic for you.

So from where I left off on my last post.
I spent most of my time with some friends of my family. They have 3 little kids and were happy to trade my baby siting skills (yes I have baby sitting skills. You don't have to look so surprised.) for room and board. I was also given the great privilege to worship my savior with a group of kids my age, in a bomb shelter in Jerusalem. I hope I can get some of the new friends I made there to come up to Alaska to visit me!  I didn't take many pictures from those couple of weeks that I spent in Jerusalem. But there are a few.

After I met up with my Parents again, we went back to the Tel Aviv area to stay with more friends of ours (I too, was amazed that we had more friends.). We spent a couple of days there, going to the old markets in Jaffa and seeing an ancient roman aqueduct just outside of Tel Aviv. After that we left for Spain.

Old pictures for sale on Jaffa

Jaffa Cat. 

Look who has gone domestic. Scary. 
Sometimes kids even like me. Blows my mind. ;)

My Israeli Family. :)

I like to rock climb on roman ruins. I'm pretty hardcore. ;)

29 years. 


A side of Jerusalem that tourists rarely see. 
Sorry if this was a little bit random... Next stop SPAIN!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Israel! Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Sorry this blog took so long to get up... these pictures span about a week and a half of fun times in Israel.  Although most of them are from only the first part of my trip... I will add more soon. 
We got into Tel Aviv at about 4 AM, and got picked up by our friend Oren. After a nap and a hearty spoonful of hummus, Mom, Dad and I set out to try to find a nice beach. Easy right? Yeah... Not so much. The house we stayed in is only a few miles from the Sea, but the road system in Israel is one of the most confusing I have ever seen. And all we had in the way of navigation was a Google Map... Sufficed to say, we ended up going in the opposite direction and never even saw the water. We did make it home though. Which was quite a feat. 

The next day we went up to the border of Lebanon. There are some amazing natural grottos there. It was a really beautiful day. Before we went up north, we stopped at some lovely beaches and Mom and I went for a swim! It was a little bit chilly, not gonna lie. But SO worth it. We hiked along the coast for a while and found some beaches that were completely made from shells. That was so interesting! 

The next morning we joined up with our Alaska ladies (And Colorado Lynn). We met them at our hotel in Tel Aviv. Then we walked to the old port of Jaffa. Did some shopping, ate some Falafel. It was a good day. The rest of the tour group met up with us that night and the next morning I parted ways with my 'Rents and headed off to Jerusalem with Melissa for more excellent adventures. 

The next few days worth of Photos are still locked in my camera. I will try to get to them soon. Seeing as we are leaving Israel tomorrow night... But I felt guilty not giving my faithful Creepers anything of real substance the last couple of days. So, Creepers, here are my Israeli photos.

Beachin' it up on the Mediterranean. Yeah, I swam in that water. BOOM!

Mediterranean Sea

Beaches made of Shells!! You can burry yourself in it. 

Tunnels and Grottos. Northern border. 

On the border of Lebanon. Mediterranean sea.

Cause I like to be a Creep-ah, too.

Christina and Lynn walking to Jaffa. 

You can see the city of Tel Aviv behind Mom and Melissa.

I love Piper Ditzler! 

Christine in Jaffa. 

Jaffa port. Where Jonah sailed away from God. 

Flower seed on a Tom... 

Old man in Jerusalem. 

Old city Jerusalem on Shabbat. 

This is Baby Noia. I lived with her family in Jerusalem for the past two weeks. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Drawings. Not pictures.

Hello everyone!

I am in Israel now. I will post a new blog about my adventures in Israel in a day or two. But until then... I present to you... Drumroll please... The best of my sketchbook!

I got an email a few days ago from an extremely talented artist, who just so happens to be a part of my family and a fan of my blog. Jon Van Zyle. He told me to put up some of my "other artwork", my drawings mostly. I think that most of the people that read this blog already know about my sketches and ink drawings. But most of these are new things that I have drawn just on my trip... A few are some old-er favorites of mine. They are all Original and one of a kind. The photos of them are not up to my usual standards, but it's what I've got.

This is my latest creation. Drawn in Israel. 

I have been a little bit obsessed with hair and all the cool things you can do when you draw it. This was drawn in Israel. 

I was reading a book about Beryl Markham, and this image came into my head. A girl that absolutely loves flying, getting dirty, and blowing thins up. My kind of lady.  This was drawn in Spain. 

Song lyrics by blue foundation. I was listening to this song, and really liking the way my hair was blowing in the wind. So I came up with this. Drawn in Spain. 

This Drawing was started in Morocco and finished in Spain. 

Again with the Hair... Switzerland. En route to Morocco. 

Hair...  Created in Switzerland.

Serious obsession with hair. In Switzerland. 

My version of  a Steinbok :) Switzerland.

These are some older ones. From this summer at the lodge. A rainy day. :)

I was working on another picture and I couldn't get the hand right. So I made myself draw these until I liked them. I am still not to happy with them, but oh well. 

From this summer in Alaska. A truck at Bremner Mine

I had this coldplay song stuck in my head. 

My friend Tal told me that I never draw anything "cool", like airplanes and dirt bikes. So this was born. Boom. 

One of my first drawings in the sketch book. Done in AK. 

This is the cover of my Sketchbook. This book has been a lot of places with me. And pretty much everything on the cover was drawn in a different country. Or on my way to a new country. Switzerland, Spain, Morocco, Alaska, Israel. Can't wait to add to it in KENYA! :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mainly Spain-ly.

What has two thumbs and is terrible about blogging regularly?
^This girl^

Sooooo, Spain. No rain. Quite sunny actually. We were able to spend a week with some great friends of ours, Arturo and Elisa. They have a beautiful house with a private airstrip and hangers right there. They also have a lovely collection of dogs. My favorite was a deaf Dalmatian that doesn't have a name... Because she is deaf.
 I am sorry to say that my parental units were rather ill whilst traveling in Spain. By rather ill I mean, they were physically unable to extricate themselves from the toilet.
So we didn't get to do a whole lot of touring around. But we did get to go flying some. And visit some lovely castles.
 After my Parents had recovered slightly, we packed up and headed to a little village... of which I cannot remember the name... where Arturo's Family lives. We spent two nights with them, and although I am pretty sure they were plotting give us a slow but delicious death, of over eating. Gluttony boys and girls. Alive and well and living in Spain. At Arturo's family's home.

I will let the rest of our adventures explain themselves in my pictures. Possibly with a little help from captions.
This is no name deaf dog. Whom I love. 

I fly planes. Sometimes in Spain I fly ultralights that look like mosquitoes. 

Savage Cub. Over Spain. Boom baby. 

A castle that we flew over. 

Oh yeah. This is why we're hot. 

I watch the patchwork farms, slow fade, into the ocean's arms.

Arturo, Elisa, and the lost dog Garmin. 

We went to look for some cave paintings. I thought this was cooler. 


Sunset on a big salt lake in Spain. 

You can't take this guy anywhere. 

These trees were amazing! They graft together all of the branches and make a giant chain down the whole block. All of those trees are connected. It's like one huge tree. 

We visited some roman ruins in the fog.

Roman Colosseum 
 Annnnnnnd... coming soon- Israel! I am already having a fabulous time over here.
Love to everyone back in the land of the free!