Sunday, December 18, 2011

End of my Israeli Adventure.

I know I am always super late in putting up each blog. My bad. So this blog is brought to you from Spain. But it's about my last days in Israel. That's Logan Logic for you.

So from where I left off on my last post.
I spent most of my time with some friends of my family. They have 3 little kids and were happy to trade my baby siting skills (yes I have baby sitting skills. You don't have to look so surprised.) for room and board. I was also given the great privilege to worship my savior with a group of kids my age, in a bomb shelter in Jerusalem. I hope I can get some of the new friends I made there to come up to Alaska to visit me!  I didn't take many pictures from those couple of weeks that I spent in Jerusalem. But there are a few.

After I met up with my Parents again, we went back to the Tel Aviv area to stay with more friends of ours (I too, was amazed that we had more friends.). We spent a couple of days there, going to the old markets in Jaffa and seeing an ancient roman aqueduct just outside of Tel Aviv. After that we left for Spain.

Old pictures for sale on Jaffa

Jaffa Cat. 

Look who has gone domestic. Scary. 
Sometimes kids even like me. Blows my mind. ;)

My Israeli Family. :)

I like to rock climb on roman ruins. I'm pretty hardcore. ;)

29 years. 


A side of Jerusalem that tourists rarely see. 
Sorry if this was a little bit random... Next stop SPAIN!

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