Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mainly Spain-ly.

What has two thumbs and is terrible about blogging regularly?
^This girl^

Sooooo, Spain. No rain. Quite sunny actually. We were able to spend a week with some great friends of ours, Arturo and Elisa. They have a beautiful house with a private airstrip and hangers right there. They also have a lovely collection of dogs. My favorite was a deaf Dalmatian that doesn't have a name... Because she is deaf.
 I am sorry to say that my parental units were rather ill whilst traveling in Spain. By rather ill I mean, they were physically unable to extricate themselves from the toilet.
So we didn't get to do a whole lot of touring around. But we did get to go flying some. And visit some lovely castles.
 After my Parents had recovered slightly, we packed up and headed to a little village... of which I cannot remember the name... where Arturo's Family lives. We spent two nights with them, and although I am pretty sure they were plotting give us a slow but delicious death, of over eating. Gluttony boys and girls. Alive and well and living in Spain. At Arturo's family's home.

I will let the rest of our adventures explain themselves in my pictures. Possibly with a little help from captions.
This is no name deaf dog. Whom I love. 

I fly planes. Sometimes in Spain I fly ultralights that look like mosquitoes. 

Savage Cub. Over Spain. Boom baby. 

A castle that we flew over. 

Oh yeah. This is why we're hot. 

I watch the patchwork farms, slow fade, into the ocean's arms.

Arturo, Elisa, and the lost dog Garmin. 

We went to look for some cave paintings. I thought this was cooler. 


Sunset on a big salt lake in Spain. 

You can't take this guy anywhere. 

These trees were amazing! They graft together all of the branches and make a giant chain down the whole block. All of those trees are connected. It's like one huge tree. 

We visited some roman ruins in the fog.

Roman Colosseum 
 Annnnnnnd... coming soon- Israel! I am already having a fabulous time over here.
Love to everyone back in the land of the free!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new pics Logie Logie! What an adventure you are having. We are checking in regularly to live vicariously through you!Love you lots. Auntie Pam (ps. Rachie's home in 4 days!!!!!!)
